If you have fussy kids who do not like to eat breakfast then you should try this as a breakfast drink. It will keep them active and the tummy full for several hours. This is a great drink for those fasting during festivals, for pregnant women and for those preferring quick healthy no cook breakfast options. To make dry fruits milkshake, I have used pistas, cashews and almonds. To sweeten the drink, I have used medjool dates and figs. Do not use sour figs as they disturb the tummy. Various dry fruits and nuts used here provide different nutrition to the body. If making for toddlers, make sure you soak the nuts for at least 3 to 4 hours. Soaking nuts enhances the bioavailability of nutrients and will be easy for digestion. Almond skin contains tannins which restricts the body from absorbing the nutrients in almonds. So peel & discard the skin after soaking. If you do not have much time, then soak them in hot water for 10 mins and peel off the skin. Health benefits of dry fruits milkshake

  1. Helps to beat insomnia (sleeplessness)2. Prevents constipation3. Helps in healthy weight gain4. Helps to overcome nutritional deficiencies

Preparation for dry fruits milkshake

  1. Add cashews, almonds and pistas to a large bowl. You can substitute any of these nuts with the other. I used about 14 almonds, 10 cashews and 3 tbsps pistas. It gives a thick shake and we love it that way thick and creamy. If you like it slightly thin, then reduce the nuts.
  2. Add dried figs to the bowl. Rinse them well before using if they are not preservative free.
  3. Pour water just enough to soak them. I used about 1 cup.
  4. Soak them at least for 45 to 60 mins. If making for toddlers, soak them for 3 to 4 hrs. If you prefer cold shake, then do chill the milk for few hours.
  5. Drain the water. Peel and discard the almond skin. I also partially peel the pistas.

How to make dry fruits milkshake

  1. Add all of them to the blender. Add chopped dates. I used 3 large medjool dates which came up to 1/4 cup after chopping.
  2. Add cardamom powder. You can skip but it helps in digestion and is cooling for the body. Also it flavors the milkshake.
  3. Pour milk just enough to cover the nuts and fruits. I used about 3/4 cup. Adding all the milk at once leave lot of nut chunks, so I add only a little at this stage.
  4. Blend it to a smooth puree. If needed you can also add more milk.
  5. Pour rest of the milk. Blend until frothy and thick.
  6. You can add more milk to make it thin. Serve dry fruits milkshake immediately. You may like to check these related recipes,Lassi recipeCold coffeeTurmeric milkMasala teaChocolate milkshake

Dry fruits milkshake recipe

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