So you’ve had a long day, right? Maybe a long week? You wake up, everything’s groggy and sore, and you just want to put a simple, hydrating, easy-to-make breakfast in your belly. One of the best ways to take care of yourself is to make a healthy, tasty breakfast in the morning. When getting up is hard, a sunny orange banana smoothie makes it just a little bit easier. It takes barely any time at all! Whether you take the time to prepare everything when you wake up or meal prep it the night before, you’re guaranteed a delicious meal to jumpstart your body and mind. You can also enjoy this as a snack between meals, or even a dessert. There’s really no wrong time to treat yourself to a smoothie!

About this recipe

This banana orange smoothie only requires a couple of ingredients: ripe bananas, oranges, soaked sesame seeds and cashews, yogurt (optional) and a splash of water. You may also add orange juice to replace oranges. Ripe bananas add natural sweetness and creaminess to the smoothie; the riper the banana, the sweeter the smoothie. Oranges provide both their sweet and tart juice and their fiber-filled pulp, giving the smoothie a bright flavor that will wake up your taste buds. Sesame seeds and cashews are both delicious sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, as well as important vitamins and minerals. Their fats and proteins help keep you full throughout the morning! When soaked in liquid and pulverized in a blender or food processor, they become creamy and soft. More drinks Mango smoothieBanana shakeCold coffeeDalgona coffee

How to Make an Orange Banana Smoothie

  1. To start, you want to soak your sesame seeds and cashews in liquid for at least 2 to 3 hours; they need to have absorbed some liquid before you make the smoothie. This helps to give that creamy and rich taste in your orange banana smoothie. It is also important to rinse and discard the water in which sesame seeds were soaked. Sesame seeds add a nice nutty flavor, but you can leave them out entirely and the smoothie will still be, well, smooth and fruity. You can also replace the soaked sesame seeds with tahini, a paste made from ground sesame seeds—think of it as sesame seed butter.
  2. Add the soaked sesame and cashews to the blender. If you forget to soak or don’t want to soak the cashews, all you have to do is replace them with cashew butter for a little less effort. If you don’t have any cashews on hand, soak some almonds or use almond butter or peanut butter instead.
  3. Pour half cup water and 1/4 cup yogurt (optional). Blend until smooth and creamy.
  4. Peel your bananas, then give a rough chop to help them break down later. For a chilled smoothie, you may chop and freeze the bananas for an hour.
  5. Peel the oranges and discard the pith completely. Divide the orange to 2 halves. Cut open the segments in the center and remove the seeds. This is the easiest way you can remove the seeds. (this picture is just for reference and was taken another time)
  6. Add the orange segments. There are many kinds of oranges and if you happen to get some seedless you may add them directly but ensure you remove the pith completely to avoid a bitter taste.
  7. Blend everything together until smooth. You may add sweetener if you prefer. But I don’t. Don’t be afraid to experiment with liquids too. A dash of coconut water or plant-based milk will keep the smoothie vegan and add a little extra flavor. However you decide to customize your smoothie, it will taste great. Pour your orange banana smoothie into a glass or to-go cup to take your breakfast (or snack!) on the go. Got leftovers? Freeze your smoothie mix and turn them into popsicles! Who can resist a sweet frozen popsicle for snack? Related Recipes

Recipe Card

Orange banana smoothie recipe first published in January 2015. Updated and republished in June 2021.

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